Outside Prep - Trackside Fire Detailed

Outside Prep - Trackside Fire Detailed

Trackside Fire is one of our original preps that has stood the test of time and works as described to tire a tire off and its designed to be used exclusively at the track. This is a very unique prep that only builds bite on top of the tire and will not change hoe the tire reacts and wears off very quickly. Works best when the track is dry in medium bite conditions and will not work when its wet

General Use - 

TF is best used at the track and works best when used with heat. Apply multiple layers for a longer lasting bite that can last between 2-5 laps. Will work on all brands of tires but works best on Burris SS33A

Weekly - 

Not Advised

Trackside - 

Use with heat and wipe lite coats on the tires with the idea that the more that is wiped it does not build more bite but rather it builds more laps of bite. Will not soften the tire and will come back out with no residual effect left in the tire so reapplication is recommended between runs to achieve the same effect
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